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7 Ministry Teams at Faith Presbyterian Church

by on October 30, 2009

Faith Presbyterian Church Ministry Teams

Faith Presbyterian Church is undergoing a transformation in the way we “do” ministry. We’re conforming to the biblical image of the Body of Christ, which grows into maturity as EACH member fulfills his or her calling as a child of God in service to others (see Ephesians 4:11-16). Following are the ministry teams forming around our mission.[1] To see examples of what each team does, look here:

1. The Congregational Care Ministry Team encourages our spirits and helps us to keep body and soul together through challenging times. It consists of the Board of Deacons, individual Deacons with specialized assignments (newly created around people’s individual gifts), Stephen Ministers, Commissioned Lay Pastors, and Ministers of Word and Sacrament.

2. The Faith Formation Ministry Team focuses on our children and their families. Starting with the care provided in our nursery and continuing through high school graduation, these team members provide opportunities for kids to grow in their Christian faith through education and experience. And because faith formation doesn’t just happen at church, this team also ministers to the families of these kids.

3. The Discipleship Ministry Team focuses on the spiritual growth of our adults. It starts from the first time someone visits Faith Church and continues through small group gatherings for education, service, prayer, and activities. In these small groups we’ll learn and apply our faith and grow closer to one another.

4. The Worship and Music Ministry Team focuses their attention on our worship gatherings. It helps young and old appreciate worship to its fullest by training us to participate and providing meaningful and varied worship experiences.

5. The Community Service and Outreach Ministry Team envisions, designs, and manages our “bridge events”: our intentional attempts to attract new people to our church. It also manages our many service opportunities like Interfaith Hospitality Network. It coordinates with Teams 2, 3, and 4 toward shared ends. Finally, it manages our publicity.

6. The Fellowship and Fun Ministry Team facilitates our communal bonds by hosting entertaining and interesting events like movie nights, hikes, intramural sports, coffee times and meals.

7. The Faith Mission Support Ministry Team ensures that all our other teams are financially supported and have a safe, functional, and welcoming place to “do” their ministries.

[1] We follow Christ as Lord, relying on the Spirit’s guidance and worshiping God with our lives, by serving our neighbors, cultivating community, and inviting others to join the exploration of faith.

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